The Asociación de Empresarios Hoteleros de la Costa del Sol (AEHCOS) is constituted as the non-profit organization for the management, representation, promotion and defense of the interests of the associated entrepreneurs and their companies in the province of Malaga.
Since its foundation in 1977, AEHCOS has been a key player in the history of Andalusian tourism and has played a leading role in the main events that have shaped the Malaga industry. Its members are hotels, tourist apartments, hostels, as well as more than 40 national and international hotel chains.
CEMOSA is part of the more than 80 partner companies that support the work of the association in pursuit of continuous improvement of the Costa del Sol destination, providing as a multidisciplinary company its extensive experience in Engineering, Construction, Materials quality control, Geotechnics, Health & Safety and Certification. Some of the Building Services in hotels are:
- Project management of refurbishment for hotel complexes.
- Energy audit and certification
- Pathologies
- Carbon footprint calculation
The III Forum AEHCOS “Direct Sales & Positioning – Keys to Hotel Success” was held on 23rd November, bringing together the sector with the aim of addressing marketing strategies and improving the positioning of establishments.

This time, CEMOSA had the opportunity to collaborate in the event by calculating the carbon footprint associated with it.
The methodology followed for the calculation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions is based on the UNE 14064 standard, considering the following accounting and reporting principles: relevance, completeness, consistency, accuracy and transparency.
The result of the calculation of GHG emissions associated with the event was 786.85 kg CO2, of which approximately 90% corresponds to travel/transport.
A growing number of organisations and companies are committed to the fight against climate change, calculating their carbon footprint, developing reduction plans and offsetting their emissions with carbon sink projects.
CEMOSA works for a more sustainable world, for a better world.
You can download the Carbon Footprint Report of the III Forum AEHCOS performed by CEMOSA here.