CEMOSA participates in the scholarship project for students of the Higher Degree in Laboratory Analysis and Quality Control in the DUAL Vocational Training modality, with the aim of showing our commitment to the training process, which recognises the student’s productivity achieved during their training. In addition, the scholarships cover the students’ travel and meal expenses. CEMOSA has signed a collaboration agreement with the IES No. 1 “Universidad Laboral” in Malaga, whose chemistry department is interested in teaching the aforementioned Higher Degree tutored by Jose Luis de Posadas.
This grant encourages the motivation of the students, whose training process of 2,000 hours spread over the two years that the cycle lasts, will be fruitful, as well as reinforcing the involvement and the feeling of belonging to the company.
This cycle provides quality education that stands out for its 1,100 hours of practical training and gives students the opportunity to focus their professional opportunities on working in companies or laboratories in different fields where it is necessary to carry out physical and physico-chemical tests, chemical and instrumental analysis of materials and products for quality control and research, as well as in those where it is necessary to carry out microbiological and biotechnical tests in environmental or food areas, among others.