CEMOSA has been awarded the contract for the “DRAFTING OF THE PROPOSAL AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE POZOBLANCO NORTHWEST BY-PASS BETWEEN THE A-3177 AND A-423 ROADS”, for the Department of Development, Infrastructures and Territorial Planning of the Regional Government of Andalusia.
The purpose of the project is to give continuity to the existing Pozoblanco bypass and connect it with the A-3177 road. This will complete the connection with the road network to Pozoblanco, increasing accessibility from the north, which is very important for access to Pozoblanco Hospital, which provides health care for the whole of the Valle de los Pedroches region.
This action would complete the population variation, executed by the Junta de Andalucía in 2008, allowing the total elimination of crossings and resolving the road conflict in the urban environment.
Link of interest: https://www.diariocordoba.com/cordoba/2021/04/16/junta-adjudica-redaccion-proyecto-variante-48425831.html