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OMICRON: Towards a more automated and optimised maintenance, renewal and upgrade of roads by means of robotised technologies and intelligent decision support tools

- Start date: 01/05/2021
- End Date: 31/10/2024
- Budget: 4,999,379.96 €
Funding programme:
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Progamme of the EU (H2020)

The objective of OMICRON is to develop an Intelligent Asset Management Platform with a broad portfolio of area-specific innovative technologies to enhance the construction, maintenance, renewal and upgrade of the European road network. This project will improve the whole asset management pipeline focusing on four pillars:
- The implementation digital inspection technologies, including UAVs, terrestrial vehicles and the connection to C-ITS systems.
- The development of a road Digital Twin.
- The constitution of a Decision Support Tool for road infrastructures.
- The development of smart construction and intervention solutions for road infrastructures, making use of modular construction, robotics, VR or AR technologies.
OMICRON’s Intelligent Platform will be interconnected by a BIM-oriented Digital Twin linked to the Decision Support Tool, which will enable the industrialisation and automation of a number of road management tasks which currently still have a high labour component. OMICRON’s developments will address the entire road network system including pavement, bridges, tunnels, lighting or signalling systems.
These improvements will result in the following impact:
- An increase of the safety levels in road intervention actions, affecting both road users and personnel.
- An increase in the capacity of the road network.
- An overall improvement of the efficiency of road intervention processes.
- A subsequent reduction of maintenance costs.
The group of technologies developed in the project will be implemented in a virtual demo and four real demonstrators that belong to CEF corridors from two European countries: Spain and Italy. The technologies developed in OMICRON will achieve a TRL 7 after the demonstration phase.
The consortium is formed by 16 partners from 7 EU countries, including road managers and associations; emergency, routine and extraordinary maintenance contractors; civil engineering companies; smart solution developers; drones and robotics experts; research centres; universities; ICT developers and integrators; communication and dissemination managers; business model managers and innovation and project managers.
CEMOSA's role
CEMOSA’s contributions to the project focus on the following activities, among others:
Gestión del proyecto, incluyendo la gestión de la innovación y la interacción con las partes interesadas.
- Project management, including innovation management and interaction with stakeholders.
- Market analysis for OMICRON’s developments.
- Development of the road Digital Twin.
- Development of the road Decision Support System.
- Leader of the monitoring, demonstration and evaluation of OMICRON’s intelligent platform.
- Demonstrator characterisation and evaluation methodology.