CEMOSA carries out the hydrogeological-geotechnical study of several schools (Aspe, Alicante)

For more than two decades, the residents of the town of Aspe (Alicante) have been suffering the inconvenience caused by the pathologies of the foundations in the area of the municipality where its four educational centres are located, especially the Villa de Aspe Secondary School.


The pathologies of the foundations of this school hinder the normal development of educational activities. CEMOSA has focused all its efforts on finding out the origin of these pathologies, which include subsidence, tilting, cracks of various types, collapsed areas and damage to expansion joints, among others. To this end, an exhaustive reconnaissance was carried out on the existing historical area photography from 1945 to the present day, thus allowing a reliable knowledge of the geomorphological evolution of the study area to be obtained. Likewise, one of CEMOSA’s star services has been carried out, a geotechnical campaign (mechanical soundings with core recovery, DPSH dynamic penetrations, reconnaissance test pits, presiometric tests) which has allowed us to know the exact geotechnical characteristics of the ground being founded.

Following the study of the terrain, a close correlation was found between the most damaged areas and those with the greatest thickness of anthropic fill underneath them, and it is in these areas where a deeper foundation will be necessary.

CEMOSA proposes a discretisation into three different zones of action:

  • Firstly, Zone A, occupied by the current sports courts of the centre, is the area of greatest geotechnical conflict and is where the anthropic fills reach the maximum thickness; 19 metres.
  • On the other hand, Zone B, where the optimum solution is to replace the first 2 metres with a granular material that will significantly mitigate the deformations of the terrain.
  • Finally, Zone C, which represents the sector with the smallest anthropic fill thicknesses (2-4 metres).

After the study, CEMOSA delivered the hydrogeological-geotechnical evaluation report to the Aspe Town Council, with all the proposed solutions to improve the facilities of this educational centre.

All these actions and executions were publicly presented during the presentation of the project by CEMOSA in the town of Aspe, which was attended by technical staff from the Town Council, representatives of the Generalitat Valenciana and various local and independent media.

Presentation of the project to the authorities



Madrid Calle 30 civil engineering and structural works project review work begins

CEMOSA has signed a new project supervision contract. In this case, it is the contract for the supervision of integral projects of Madrid Calle 30 (Lot 1: Review of civil works and structures projects), which CEMOSA was recently awarded together with SUBTERRA INGENIERÍA.

 The company Madrid Calle 30, attached to the Environment and Mobility Area of the Madrid City Council, manages the operation, conservation and maintenance of the Calle 30 ring road and the infrastructures and spaces around it (junctions, bridges, green areas, etc.).

 The main problem facing Madrid Calle 30 is the location of the projects, generally in an urban environment, with nearby housing and municipal roads that are affected.

 This contract will include the provision of project review services, reviewing each construction project, regardless of its nature, in order to check that it has been carried out in accordance with all the requirements established in the applicable standards, instructions, regulations and good practice criteria, to achieve the quality standards both in its definition and its assessment, thus allowing adequate confidence to be acquired that it can be correctly executed and that its performance will be as expected when the finished work is in service.

 There are a total of 24 projects to be reviewed, which have been differentiated according to their Material Execution Budget:

  • 22 projects with an EMP of less than 2 million €
  • 1 project with an EMP between 2 and 8 million €
  • 1 project with an EMP between 14 and 20 million €

The contract value amounts to 249,851.48 euros (VAT included).

CEMOSA attends the ceremony of laying the first stone of the new judicial headquarters of Valdemoro

CEMOSA has participated this morning, as a member of the UTE CEMOSA-NORNIELLA, awarded of the Project Management and Health and Safety Coordination, in the ceremony presided by Ms. Isabel Díaz Ayuso of the laying of the first stone of the New Judicial Headquarters in Valdemoro, promoted by the General Directorate of Justice, Ministry of Presidency, Justice and Interior of the Community of Madrid with a PBL of the work of 17,247,108.12 euros.

The Valdemoro Courthouse will be built on a 10,445 square metre plot of land that the Consistory made available to the Community of Madrid to build this facility that will accommodate the 16 courts, currently distributed in three different locations.

On behalf of CEMOSA, the ceremony was attended by the project management as well as the CEMOSA delegate in Madrid, Rosario Martin Cañete.

Pie de foto 1: Isabel Díaz Ayuso inaugurating the works on the new courthouse in Valdemoro.