CEMOSA will develop Energy Audit services in the buildings of the Andalusian Regional Government

CEMOSA signs a Framework Agreement with Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Regional Government) to develop the Energy Audit services in the properties of all the Andalusian provinces with which the Administration of the Junta de Andalucía and its instrumental entities have access.

CEMOSA is approved in the six lots of the Framework Agreement for an estimated value of € 6,576,274.86 to be developed in two years.

This agreement is part of the activities that CEMOSA’s Sustainability and Energy Efficiency area has been developing for public and private clients, as well as in R&D projects financed with European funds, thus contributing to the reduction of energy consumption from buildings and greenhouse gas emissions.

We are committed to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability!

CEMOSA celebrates its first 50 years!

This year 2022 is really special for us! We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of  CEMOSA´s foundation.

Founded in 1972, in Málaga (Spain), it currently has offices throughout Spain, as well as a presence in 13 other countries, offering our experience in multiple sectors of activity.

The CEMOSA team are thankful you all for the trust, confidence and support we have received in our first 50 years.

We would also like to thank the more than 1,000 professionals who currently make up our staff and give their all to achieve our common goal: to optimise the process of planning, construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructures that improve the quality of life of our fellow citizens and future generations.

Thank all of you for being part of these great 50 years of history, we look forward to share at least 50 more years with you!

CEMOSA continues to grow as Owner Engineering, now in Castilla y León (Spain)

Continuing on the development of photovoltaic energy, Castilla y León will carry out the construction of Virgen de Areños III Photovoltaic Plant, whose Facultative Management has been awarded to CEMOSA.

Virgen de Areños III Photovoltaic Plant will be in the municipality of Villota del Páramo (Palencia) and has a power of 50 MW, which will be achieved from the installation of more than 90,000 photovoltaic panels.

Virgen de Areños III Photovoltaic Project also includes the construction of a plant ST that has a 400/30/30 kV transformer of 125 MVA. The new 400 kV ST FV Virgen de Areños III – ST Carrión Renovables line, with a length of 22.1 km, will allow the evacuation of the energy generated by the plant to ST Carrión Renovables. This new line will have a first single section of approximately 12.1 km and a second double circuit section with a length of 10 km, which will be shared by the future FV Velilla 350 MWdc) that will also be built by Iberdrola Renovables.
The future ST Carrión Renewables will be a collector and measurement of the border point. From this ST to REE’s ST Velilla 400 kV is reached via a new 400 kV overhead line of approximately 0.25km.

CEMOSA, in its position of Owner Engineering, will be responsible for monitoring the correct performance of civil works, mechanical and electrical assembly by the Contractors, in addition to the supervision in supply management, collection and assembly of the different equipment and commissioning, Quality Supervision, Environment and Health & Safety. Activities carried out both in the photovoltaic plant and for its evacuation infrastructure (substation and transmission line).

CEMOSA continues to bet on the strength and impulse of Renewable Energies, now through the construction of the Photovoltaic Plant that will begin the first quarter of this 2022.

The growth of CEMOSA on the photovoltaic business continues.

Technical Assistance to the Construction Management on the AP-46 Highway

We are very proud of the great work of Technical Assistance to the Construction Management of our team of Engineering and Health & Safety Coordinators in the works of the new links with the AP-46 highway in Malaga (Spain).

The new links between the MA-20 motorway and the AP-46, into operation since a couple of weeks ago, have required the construction of an overpass over the MA-20 motorway and two viaducts of 128 metres (for each of the 2 branches parallel to the existing viaduct).

The project was executed in a record-breaking time of six months.

Training agreement with USMA and Fundación Ciudad del Saber

CEMOSA signs training agreement with the Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua (USMA) and the Fundación Ciudad del Saber.

The Rector Francisco Blanco signed an agreement with Dr. Jorge Arosemena, Chief Executive of the Fundación Ciudad del Saber, and Eng. Manuel Reyes, Manager for Central America of CEMOSA.

USMA and these organisations are committed to establish links and create the basis for cooperation between the academic subject areas they have in common.

From left to right: Francisco Blanco, Jorge Arosemena and Manuel Reyes.

CEMOSA, Founding Member of Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking

Yesterday, CEMOSA, Representative of the consortium eSGR_JV (European Smart Green Rail Joint Venture), participated in the first Governing Board meeting of Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU Rail).

It’s now official that eSGR_JV is a Founding Member of this Joint Undertaking. With this step, CEMOSA keeps its positioning as a company committed with Research & Innovation in the rail sector. We already initiated this route when we became a member of the former Shift2Rail JU back in 2015.

Thanks to our consortium #eSGR_JV (ENYSE Enclavamientos y Señalización Ferroviaria, COMSA Corporación, ETRA and Tekniker) for their contributions during this hard year of work. We are strongly committed to innovation and sustainable development in the railway sector.

It is a pleasure to belong to Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking together with these great European companies and technology centres: ENYSE Enclavamientos y Señalización Ferroviaria, COMSA Corporación, ETRA, Tekniker, ADIF, České dráhy, a.s., Deutsche Bahn, Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Jernbanedirektoratet, OBB – OSTERREICHISCHE BUNDESBAHNEN – HOLDING AG, ProRail, NS Stations, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., SNCF, Trafikverket, Alstom, ANGELRAIL, AŽD , CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles), Wabtec Corporation, Hitachi Rail, Indra, Talgo, Knorr-Bremse AG, Siemens Mobility, Thales Transport, Strukton Rail, voestalpine Railway Systems, Ceit Centro Tecnológico, German Aerospace Center (DLR).

#CemosaIngenieria #EURail #HorizonEurope #Railway #GreenDeal #IntelligentAssetManagement #Sustainability #Transport

CEMOSA participates in the III Forum AEHCOS

The Asociación de Empresarios Hoteleros de la Costa del Sol (AEHCOS) is constituted as the non-profit organization for the management, representation, promotion and defense of the interests of the associated entrepreneurs and their companies in the province of Malaga.

Since its foundation in 1977, AEHCOS has been a key player in the history of Andalusian tourism and has played a leading role in the main events that have shaped the Malaga industry. Its members are hotels, tourist apartments, hostels, as well as more than 40 national and international hotel chains.

CEMOSA is part of the more than 80 partner companies that support the work of the association in pursuit of continuous improvement of the Costa del Sol destination, providing as a multidisciplinary company its extensive experience in Engineering, Construction, Materials quality control, Geotechnics, Health & Safety and Certification. Some of the Building Services in hotels are:

  • Project management of refurbishment for hotel complexes.
  • Energy audit and certification
  • Pathologies
  • Carbon footprint calculation

The III Forum AEHCOS “Direct Sales & Positioning – Keys to Hotel Success” was held on 23rd November, bringing together the sector with the aim of addressing marketing strategies and improving the positioning of establishments.

Photocall III Forum. Source: AEHCOS

This time, CEMOSA had the opportunity to collaborate in the event by calculating the carbon footprint associated with it.

The methodology followed for the calculation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions is based on the UNE 14064 standard, considering the following accounting and reporting principles: relevance, completeness, consistency, accuracy and transparency.

The result of the calculation of GHG emissions associated with the event was 786.85 kg CO2, of which approximately 90% corresponds to travel/transport.
A growing number of organisations and companies are committed to the fight against climate change, calculating their carbon footprint, developing reduction plans and offsetting their emissions with carbon sink projects.

CEMOSA works for a more sustainable world, for a better world.

You can download the Carbon Footprint Report of the III Forum AEHCOS performed by CEMOSA here.

Award Ceremony for the Best Local Engineering Work in Andalusia 2021

The Demarcation of Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla of the Professional Association of Civil Engineers (Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos) awards the Prize for the Best Local Engineering Work in Andalusia 2021 to the work: ‘Replacement of the high-water conduction gallery in the municipality of Huesa’.

I Prize of Engineering Work in Andalusia 2021

On Tuesday 23rd November, the award ceremony took place in the Aula de Cultura of the Palacio Provincial, in the capital of Jaen, to all those involved in the winning work. The award was collected by CEMOSA:

  • Francisco Medina Martin, Office Manager of CEMOSA Jaén.
  • Silvia Diaz Roldan, Geotechnical Manager at CEMOSA Jaén.
  • Juan David Esteban Molina on behalf of Ainhoa Rebollo Garcia, Health&Safety Coordinator at CEMOSA Jaén.
  • Juan Antonio Garcia Medrano, Quality Control Manager at CEMOSA Jaén.

CEMOSA, with more than 30 years of experience in the province of Jaén, “it has been committed to improve the productive framework of the province, collaborating in local and provincial development, and resulting in more than 10,000 actions”, said Francisco Medina Martín during his speech.

We would like to congratulate all the actors who have participated in the success of this project: Jaén Regional Government, the Technical Team, Huesa Municipality, Barranco de La Canal Irrigation Community, MIPELSA (Construction Company), Ramón Luis Carpena Morales (Project Manager), Alfonso Rivillas Espino (Site Manager), but with special affection, we congratulate our office of CEMOSA Jaén for a job well done.

Congratulations on this award!

Premio al “atrevimiento y al ingenio técnico” para la Galería de Conducción de agua en Alta de Huesa, Mejor Actuación de Ingeniería de Ámbito Local en Andalucía

CEMOSA awarded Owner Engineering of Almaraz 1 and 2

The municipality of Almaraz (Cáceres) will implement a new Photovoltaic Plant, and CEMOSA has been awarded the contract to carry out the Owner Engineering works.

The Almaraz 1 and 2 Photovoltaic Plant, as it is called, has a power of 80 MW, which will be possible to achieve from the installation of a total of 177,915 photovoltaic modules located on 3,319 fixed structure tables.

Thus, Almaraz 1, which will have the most power (50 MWp), will have modules of 405 and 410 Wp and will have 13 inverters, while each of the photovoltaic modules of Almaraz 2 (30 MWp) will provide 540 and 545 Wp of power, and this plant will have 8 inverters. In addition, the Photovoltaic Plant will have a total of 11 Power Blocks.

Both plants will be evacuated underground via a 30 kV line that will cross the A-5 motorway until it reaches the new 132/30 kV substation to be built, located next to the existing SET Almaraz, owned by Iberdrola. The connection between the two will be made by means of a 522-metre 132 kV underground line.

As Property Engineering, CEMOSA will monitor the correct execution of the civil, mechanical and electrical works, as well as the correct management of the supplies. As it is essential to ensure compliance with the current regulations applicable to the different areas mentioned above, CEMOSA will supervise Quality, Environment and Health and Safety. All these activities will be carried out for both the Photovoltaic plant and its evacuation infrastructure (substation and transmission line).

This municipality also has the Campo Arañuelo Photovoltaic Plant (100 MWp), whose Property Engineering was also executed by CEMOSA.

With all this, CEMOSA’s participation in the photovoltaic sector will promote the installation of more than 1,500 MWp by the end of 2022, thus achieving the reduction of emissions into the atmosphere and moving towards the energy transition.

Vista Paneles Fotovoltaicos
Vista Paneles Fotovoltaicos
Plano de Implantación Almaraz 1
Plano de Implantación Almaraz 1
Plano de Implantación Almaraz 2
Plano de Implantación Almaraz 2

CEMOSA launches new website

After months of work and effort, it is a pleasure to launch the new CEMOSA website. Here you can find out who we are, the areas covered by our activity, our international presence and even meet some members of the team.

Moreover, you can find out about some of the projects and works in which CEMOSA has participated and which support our 50 years of experience in the sector.

We have renewed the website to offer you a more modern and visual site, giving priority to usability and user experience in this new design.

In addition, you can access with the same ease of navigation from any device, whether computer, tablet or mobile.

Thank you very much for your visit! We hope you enjoy it and that it will be of interest to you. We invite you to follow us on our social networks.