Gallery Info
The BRICKER projects aims at developing a retrofitting package for energy demand reduction and GHG emissions (beyond 50%) in public buildings. This retrofitting package is based on:
- Envelope retrofitting solutions for demand reduction through made-to-measure facades, innovative insulation materials and high performance windows.
- Zero emissions energy production technologies based on a cogeneration system supplied with locally available and clean renewable sources.
- Integration and operation strategies´ development for the BRICKER Technologies and guidance for design, commissioning and maintenance.
The retrofitting solution package will be implemented in three real demonstration multi-buildings complexes, located in different climate conditions in three different European Countries and with different end-uses: Sanitary, Educational and Administrative.
The project is coordinated by ACCIONA and other relevant European entities as Technology Centres (TECNALIA and CARTIF in Spain), solar technology manufacturers (SOLTIGUA in Italy) and Organic Rankine Machines (Rank® in Spain), public authorities as Extremadura’s Government in Spain, among others.
CEMOSA's role
The role of CEMOSA is related to the following activities and duties:
- Structural design of anchorage system for parabolic trough over the building roofs.
- Integration of the trigeneration BRICKER system with the existing HVAC of buildings.
- Technical consultancy regarding tender edition, follow-up of execution stages and commissioning.
- Assessment of profitability of proposed energy management strategies.